Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ramen Burgers

This oddball combination is delicious. I had my doubts about how the Ramen bun would come out but it is relatively easy to make. Unfortunately, this is not the healthiest dinner but it's worth cheating for one night! This recipe is modified from this link.

Ramen Burgers


2 packages of Ramen noodles
6 cups of veggie broth (I used this to flavor the Ramen instead of the packets)
2 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
1 Quorn vegan burger patty (vegetarian version)
1 Cowboy burger (from wholefoods. not vegetarian)
3 tablespoons canola oil
2 slices of cheddar
2 leaves of lettuce
1 tomato
6 burger size ramekins


1. Bring the veggie broth to a boil and add Ramen noodles. Cook them for 4 minutes.

2. Remove the noodles and let them cool.
3. Whisk together the eggs.
4. Mix the Ramen in with the eggs.
5. Divide the Ramen mixture between the 6 ramekins. As you can see I used bowls and tiny le creuset dishes so feel free to be creative with this part.

6. Place plastic wrap over the noodles and find 6 other ramekins or condiments to stack on top of the noodles.
7. Then put the ramekins in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
8. Cut up tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese.
9. Start up the bbq.
10. Heat up oil in a saute pan and remove ramekins from the refrigerator.
11. Softly remove the Ramen by tapping the bottom of the ramekins. Be really careful that they do not loose their burger shape (this is why I made 6. I lost one bun in this process).
12. Cook Ramen on both sides for 3 minutes or until golden brown.
13. Grill burgers.
14. Add the cheese while the burgers are on the grill so they are extra cheesy when you pull them off.
15. Put the burger together and get ready for your taste buds to explode.


  1. That looks awesome and fun! Plus I love that you have Bubbies in your fridge, so healthy and so delicious. Is that the kraut or pickles? Love you!
